Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.1
Consider: When I lean on my own understanding, in addition to not trusting God, am I not also closing my ears towards God?
We acknowledge him by agreeing with and speaking the truth. Is confession not agreeing with God? Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.2 The enemy wants me to fear punishment and hide my sins.3 The truth sets me free!4 The truth enables me to boldly come to the throne of grace and obtain mercy.5 Do I not need mercy when I am at my worst?6 Paul knew this so he counted everything as lost to be saturated in the mercy and grace of God.7 8 God’s power is made perfect in weakness.9 10
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.11
Consider: “Fear the Lord and shun evil” –do we shun evil out of fear? Don’t we choose sin because we think it to be good in some way? Choosing what I think is good –isn’t that being wise in my own eyes?
My Confession: I find myself on my knees nearly every night confessing my sins and failures through out the day. Today I asked the Lord why I keep doing the same things over and over.12 He simply replied, “You can start your day on your knees or end it on your knees.” After contemplating His response, I realized the outcome is radically different! One focuses on God and the other on self; the one acknowledges a dependence on God and the other how “I” mismanaged “my” day.
My Prayer: God, I desire to start on my knees and give You the first fruits of everyday!13 Please forgive me for leaning on my own understanding, trusting in myself and being wise in my own eyes. Please teach me to acknowledge you in all of my ways and give you the glory and honor that you alone deserve. Please direct my paths, to shun evil and not turn to the right or the left but instead, to walk in your ways.14